The plan: Convert the Y-Axis from 3 extrusion to 2 and move the timing belt from above to below the Carriage Plate.
A Final Look at the 3 Extrusion Double Bed
Visualizing the New Extrusions and Brackets compared to the existing Y-Axis
Move Mock up visualization of the New Extrusions and Bracketry for the Y-Axis
Removing the Rear Mounting Screws for the Bed
Removing the Front Mounting Screws for the Bed
Double Bed removed from the XZ Frame.
XZ Frame w/o the Y-Axis
3 Extrusion Double Bed
Bottom of the 3 Extrusion Double Bed
Top of the Assembled Y-Axis
Bottom of the Y-Axis.
The belt runs underneath the Carriage Plate
Test fitting to the XZ Frame
Full Frame Shot of the Test Fit.
That's if for the night! Bed install and printing tomorrow!